Iron Infusions

Suffering from lethargy, fatigue or weakness associated with iron deficiency? Iron infusions are a proven and efficient method for rapidly replenishing iron levels in cases of deficiency.

Our experienced medical professionals tailor your iron infusion treatment to your unique needs.

What to Expect:

Consultation: Before scheduling the iron infusion, you will have an initial consultation with one of our doctors to ensure the underlying cause of your iron deficiency has being appropriately investigated, identified and addressed. We will assess your medical history and sypmtoms and discuss the risks and benefits of an iron infusion.

Safe Procedure: Iron infusions are administered by our skilled healthcare providers in a controlled and comfortable environment. You are under direct one on one supervision of our experienced nurse throughout the procedure.

Rapid Results: You can experience the benefits of increased iron levels relatively quickly, within days to weeks. We often re-check the iron stores about 4-6weeks after the infusion

iron infusion, northern beaches, good GP