Stephanie Suber 

Our Podiatrist Stephanie graduated with first class Honours / Masters in Podiatric Medicine from Western Sydney University. In addition to being a Sports Podiatrist, Stephanie has completed a Bachelor’s degree in Sports and Exercise Science and level 2 in Strength and Conditioning. Stephanie incorporates all her expertise and knowledge to ensure each patient receives a personalised experience, as no two feet are the same. 

Above all, being a sportswoman herself, Stephanie has a passion in keeping people continuing to do the things they love. 

Podiatry services Stephanie offers include: 

  • General Podiatry – nails, callus, corns, warts, ingrown nails etc 

  • Biomechanical assessments – movement analysis 

  • Treating a range of sporting injuries 

  • Custom made orthotics 

  • Diabetic foot assessments 

  • Dry needling 

  • Return to sport programs 

  • Archies thongs 

For bookings please talk to our lovely reception staff. 

General Treatment
A consultation where the patient requires general maintenance or has a specific condition that
requires treatment. This includes but is not limited to corns, calluses, fungal nails, ingrown toenails,
thickened toenails, plantar warts (veruccae) and diabetic foot assessments.

Diabetic Foot Assessment
Clinical assessment to determine neurological and vascular changes in the diabetic foot.
Nail Surgery (Partial Nail Avulsion)
Surgical procedure performed under local anesthetic for the removal of ingrown toenails. This quick
and easy procedure provides a permanent solution to ingrown toenails.

Biomechanical Assessment
Investigation into the function of the lower limb. It is used to identify factors contributing to
pathologies associated with walking and running.

Functional foot orthotics are used to treat back, hip, knee, foot and leg pain. They are designed to
support, align and improve the function of the feet and lower limbs during gait. Orthotics apply
forces in certain areas that alter movements and reduce tissue stress. Non-functional orthotics are
used to improve skin and tissue viability or off-load painful pressure areas.

Manual Therapy
Massage, dry needling and rock tape are used to relieve and promote healing of the musculoskeletal
system. These treatment modalities are often used in conjunction with orthotics.